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The New Powerful CSS and Javascript
Compression System, RokBooster


Increase the speed of your site by enabling the RokBooster plug-in. This advanced extensions will compress and combine your CSS and JavaScript into as few files as possible each. RokBooster can dramatically reduce the number of HTTP calls a browser has to make, and sending those compressed files GZipped means your pages will load faster with less load on your server.

It differentiates between the pages so if you have a particular combination of scripts on one page, and a different combination on another, two files will be created and loaded independently, allowing your site to load much faster.

NOTE: Clearing the Joomla cache will remove the RokBooster compressed cache files causing them to regenerate on the next page hit

Key Features:

  • Combine and compress CSS and JavaScript into as few files as possible
  • GZip compression used to send CSS and JavaScript files so your pages will load faster
  • Compress Inline CSS and JavaScript
  • Background rendering, so initial processing won't slow your users down
  • Full page scan allows for non-header JavaScript and CSS to be included
  • Ability to ignore specific CSS and JavaScript files
Download: RokBooster Now